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Section 1

Webster Rural Cemetery, Inc., NY and all property belonging thereto, shall be under the care and control of the Board of Directors who shall regulate the sale and price of lots therein, and make such Rules and Regulations for the Cemetery as they deem proper, consistent with the State Law under which this Corporation is formed.

Section 2

  1. No burial shall be made in the cemetery or placement of remains in the winter storage vault without a permit issued by the Secretary of the Corporation or another Officer of the Board.
  2. No permit shall be issued to any person who cannot establish the right of burial.
  3. No permit for vault storage or burial shall be issued unless sales and interment fees are paid in full.
  4. No grave shall be dug in the winter if the directors deem frost, weather, or any other condition unfavorable. 

Section 3

No person shall dig any grave, put up a fence or object at a grave or erect any structure in the Cemetery except with the permission and under the direction of the Directors at the board meeting and recorded in the minutes.

Section 4

All monuments, tablets, or markers shall be erected only after due permission and under the direction of the Directors, and shall meet the following requirements:

A - All must be erected at the head of the grave facing east or west. Federal Government markers may be placed at the foot of the grave flush with the ground on special request.

B - All must be placed on concrete foundations having dimensions two inches (2") greater in length and breadth than the base of the marker, and to a depth of three feet (3').

C - No monument shall exceed:

  • Length - 36 inches
  • Width - 18 inches
  • Height - 48 inches

D - All foundations shall be installed by the Corporation at a cost to the owner to be established by the Corporation.

E - Grave owners are responsible for the maintenance of their monuments.

F - Two (2) burials are allowed in one grave if one is cremated.

Section 5

No person shall willfully or maliciously destroy, mutilate, write upon, soil, deface, or injure any monument, gravestone, stake, object, or any other structure placed in the Cemetery, or any fence or railing for the protection of the Cemetery, except under the direction of the Directors or their agent. Violators of the rule shall be liable for any damage.

Section 6

No person shall leave or cause to be left, any stone, dirt, or other refuse matter within the Cemetery except in such place as the Directors or their agents may designate.

Section 7

  1. No planting of trees, shrubs, or evergreens shall be allowed in the Cemetery, except by permission of the Directors.
  2. Flowers may be planted up to 18" from the monument on the owner's lot.

Section 8

No person shall wantonly or willfully remove, break, pluck, or destroy any bush, flower, or plant, which has been lawfully placed in the Cemetery.

Section 9

The Directors reserve the right to remove, after 30 days due to notice to the lot owner, effigy, inscription or planting, or artificial flowers, which have not been, installed in accordance with these Rules and Regulations.

Section 10

Only metal or plastic containers set at ground level for cut or artificial flowers shall be used in the Cemetery. No glass container may be used for any purpose because of the danger of injury from broken glass.

Section 11

No person shall excavate any earth, alter the grade of any lot, or walk in said Cemetery, nor remove any earth therefrom. No marble chips, gravel stones, bricks, plastic, wood, metal, or fiberglass liners shall be permitted.

Section 12

No person shall drive any vehicle into or on the Cemetery except in the road or path for that purpose. No unlicensed or recreational vehicles are allowed at any time.

Section 13

No person shall discharge any firearm in the Cemetery except during memorial Services.

Section 14

No person shall catch, wound, or kill any animal or bird nor disturb any bird's nest or eggs therein the Cemetery.

Section 15

Concrete vaults or concrete grave liners will be required for interments in all graves opened on or after January 1, 1985, in accordance with the provisions of Cemetery Board Directive 202.6.

Section 16

The interment of cremated remains will be permitted only in appropriate rigid receptacles made of non-corrosive metal, concrete, fiberglass, or plastic. Cremated remains will not be permitted to be scattered in any part of the cemetery.

Section 17

All lot owners are responsible for notifying the cemetery Association of any changes in address. All notices required to be sent to lot owners will be sent to the last recorded address and such notice shall be deemed adequate.

Section 18

Violations of the above Rules and Regulations shall be Prosecuted as provided by law.

The foregoing Rules and Regulations were unanimously adopted at the annual meeting of the Corporation held in the Town of Webster, New York on the 11" of June 1992.

(Rev 10/93)
(Rev 5/96)

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Copyright © 2025 - Webster Rural Cemetery Association Inc.